On your first day in a new job, there are always so many questions. How long is training, where do I put my lunch, who can I ask for help? This article walks you through your first month at Inspire.
Welcome to Orientation
We believe a new hire orientation program is much more successful when it is less about the company and more about the employees. The first few minutes of the first day can make all the difference and lead to happier more engaged trainees. And of course, welcoming new hires is a team event. You can expect a whirl-wind office tour to help you get a lay of the land (just where are these healthy snacks?), a team ice-breaker with just the right amount of “putting-you-on-the-spot” to help break those “new hire jitters” and a great team of mentors to help show you the ropes and make you feel right at home. Get ready to jump into your new career.
DAY 2 to 14
Your Training Begins
Instructor and peer-lead training will walk you through the building blocks of delivering successful and passionate fundraising calls. Instructors will provide the tools you will need to be effective and happy on call. Training topics will include client orientations, systems training, call regulations and of course advanced fundraising and customer service skills. A special focus is spent on “experiential learning,” our fancy way of saying “how you feel” is just as important as “what you say.” Our goal is to help you love what you do by providing the language, coaching and support you need to be successful and deliver outstanding customer experiences on each and every call.
DAY 14 TO 30
On-boarding to your Campaign & Meeting your Team
Now that you’ve been welcomed to your new career and trained on using some fancy new tools it’s time to help make a real difference in the world by joining your first fundraising campaign. Each campaign has individual and team goals and targets as well as daily, weekly or monthly incentives and challenges. You’ll probably start spending more time getting to know your new client and learning more about their cause. There are a variety of ways to help you feel more connected, lunch-and-learns, skills workshops and daily coaching are a great start to becoming a leader on your campaign.
You will also be introduced to your new team at Inspire as you are assigned a Team Lead. Your Team Lead’s role is simple, to help you love what you do. They will provide you with mentorship, support and regular communication to help you continue to develop your skills as a professional fundraising agent. Team leads will help you review calls, build new skills, schedule training and generally be your “go-to” person for all your day-to-day needs.
DAY 21 TO 30
Training & Coaching Culture
Now that you have been trained and equipped for success, on-boarded to your first campaign and assigned your team lead, the real fun can begin. That is, your development as a professional fundraiser. We run a number of engaging and interactive training opportunities weekly, including recursive and skills trainings, workshop series, lunch-and-learns, peer-mentorship among others. Continual learning is a big part of our culture at Inspire and we believe a happy employee is an employee immersed in learning and actively pursuing personal and professional growth. Each employee is encouraged to engage and participate in our development process, helping to improve it as we go.